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Author: Josh Troy

Zamm part of Clarksdale music scene for past 13 years

By Josh TroyClarksdale Advocate When Connecticut native Justin Zamm came to Clarksdale as part of the Teach for America program in 2009, it became his...

Viking River Tours makes stop in Clarksdale

By Josh TroyClarksdale Advocate The Viking River Tours cruise from New Orleans to Memphis briefly stopped in Clarksdale on Saturday. The cruise began in New...

City of Clarksdale focusing on unfinished projects in 2023

By Josh TroyClarksdale Advocate The City of Clarksdale will be focusing the remainder of 2023 on projects that have been neglected since Mayor Chuck Espy...

Crossroads Economic Partnership holds first ‘Dash Down Delta’ Race

By Josh TroyClarksdale Advocate A total of 73 individuals competed in Crossroads Economic Partnership's first ever "Dash Down Delta" races on Saturday morning. There were...

Clarksdale High School holds College Fair

By Josh TroyClarksdale Advocate Clarksdale High School students were able to get a better idea of the direction they would take for the next step...

Hall makes Class 4A All-State Third Team

By Josh TroyClarksdale Advocate Caitlin Hall may only be a sophomore at Clarksdale High School, but she has already earned some of the top basketball...

25th annual ‘Hoss’ Bennett awards 6 p.m. Thursday in the CCC

By Josh Troy Clarksdale Advocate All previous nominees and winners are invited to the 25th annual Ronald “Hoss” Bennett awards ceremony at 6 p.m. Thursday in...

Clarksdale Public Works Director Jones retiring after 32 years with City

By Josh TroyClarksdale Advocate When Clarksdale Public Works Director Todd Jones joined the department 32 years ago, he quickly realized there would be many opportunities...

Unoccupied vehicle found in Sunflower River

By Josh TroyClarksdale Advocate An unoccupied vehicle was found in the Sunflower River next to the bridge on State Street at around 9 a.m. Thursday....

Supervisors hire contractor to update GIS map

By Josh TroyClarksdale Advocate The Coahoma County Board of Supervisors took the first step in updating the emergency management agency 9-1-1 system at a special...

Supervisors allocate $250,000 of ARPA funds on Sasse Park, CARES; questions about how to spend money raised

By Josh TroyClarksdale Advocate At Wednesday’s meeting, the Coahoma County Board of Supervisors allocated $250,000 of American Rescue Plan Act funds to two local entities....

Clarksdale Fire Department training facility expected to be completed by first week of April

By Josh TroyClarksdale Advocate Construction of the City of Clarksdale’s new fire department training facility is expected to be completed by the first week of...

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