In every thriving community, the invaluable narratives and unique experiences of its residents form the vibrant tapestry of its identity. The Clarksdale Advocate, your...
By Josh Troy
Clarksdale Advocate
"There is power in the words that we speak." Coahoma County School District Board President Rico Smith spoke those very...
By Josh Troy
Clarksdale Advocate
The COVID pandemic began more than three years ago, but things are just starting to get back to normal.
Coahoma County...
By Josh Troy
Clarksdale Advocate
She's back. Former Police Chief Sandra Williams Johnson has returned to the community as a consultant for the City of...
Join Dee Brown, CEO, and Michelle "Songbird" Boyd this weekend for three exclusive SelfMade Dee Brown CEO ultra-premium sipping tequila tasting events. This is...
By Josh Troy
Clarksdale Advocate
Dr. William Booker has had a family practice at the Aaron E. Henry Community Health Center for 38 years. Booker has...
By Josh Troy
Clarksdale Advocate
The heat advisory is the main concern for Coahoma County residents following the storms on Sunday night that led to several...