Gaming, hospital fund lead to $655,168 increase in Supervisors general fund for 2023-24



By Josh Troy
Clarksdale Advocate

The Coahoma County Board of Supervisors’ general fund for the upcoming fiscal year will see a $655,168 increase from the current fiscal year, which runs through the end of September, but no taxes will be raised.

According to Board of Supervisors consultant Daniel Vassel, the general fund for the 2023-24 fiscal year, set to begin on October 1, is $9,109,121. He stated that the general fund for the 2022-23 fiscal year was $8,453,953.

During Monday’s meeting, the Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a proposed budget. A public hearing is scheduled for 1 p.m. on September 5 at the Coahoma County Courthouse. Citizens will have an opportunity to share their thoughts on the 2023-24 budget.

Vassel explained that the increase in the general fund for 2023-24 is due to $700,000 received from the Northwest Mississippi Regional Medical Center. As part of an agreement, the hospital pays the Board of Supervisors $700,000 instead of taxes.

The Board of Supervisors agreed to buy out the lease of Delta Health Systems and have Coahoma County run its own hospital. The County began overseeing the hospital on May 1 and has been in a transition period.

Vassel noted that the hospital’s operation has been beneficial for Coahoma County financially and has contributed to the increase in the general fund for the 2023-24 fiscal year. He said, “The board, I think, has done a really good job and has been aggressive, led by the (Crossroads) Economic Development Authority, in trying to keep the hospital up and running.”

Vassel also mentioned that the County will receive gaming funds from the casino. He said, “It’s good that we have money available through gaming and some estimated increases in revenue, which allows us to increase the budget. We were able to transfer more money into the general fund from the gaming funds that we receive.”

Vassel speculated that businesses reopening after the COVID pandemic might contribute to the County receiving more gaming funds, but he couldn’t be certain. He said, “We’re hopeful that it’s going to increase due to the fact that things are opening up a little bit more.”

Regarding the budget for the Coahoma County Sheriff’s Office, Vassel stated that it will decrease by $602,754 in the upcoming fiscal year. The Sheriff’s Office budget was $2,357,832 in 2022-23 and will be $1,755,078 in 2023-24. He added that this reduction might lead to a loss of personnel.

However, Vassel clarified that the Sheriff’s Office also has budgets for the jail, emergency 9-1-1 services, and courthouse maintenance.

In the August 8 Democratic Primary, Sheriff Charles Jones lost to challenger Mario Magsby. Magsby will be running against independent candidate Stacy Lester in the November 7 general election.

Vassel acknowledged that Magsby or Lester may want to amend the Sheriff’s Office budget after taking office on January 1, 2024. He said, “I believe that the number one item on the agenda for the first meeting in January is for the Board of Supervisors to sit down with whoever occupies that office to ensure that they have the necessary resources based on the County’s available revenues while keeping safety as the top priority.”

Current Chancery Clerk Carolyn Parham is retiring at the end of the calendar year. Democratic candidates Sherita Wilson and Venesia Griffin Brown are competing for the nomination in the August 29 runoff. The winner between Wilson and Griffin Brown will face independent candidates Maria Scheider and Tasheena Galmore in the November 7 general election.

Vassel also noted that the new Chancery Clerk might want to amend the budget in January. He said, “The board is looking forward to meeting with the new person to go over things. Budgets are, after all, based on projections and can always be adjusted.”

Vassel expects that some decisions regarding the budget will be made in 2024. He said, “Budgets can always be amended. Just because the Board of Supervisors allocates a certain amount of money for a particular department doesn’t mean it can’t be changed at any board meeting.”

While the budget may be amended after a new Sheriff and Chancery Clerk take office in January 2024, Vassel pointed out that state statute requires a budget to be passed for the fiscal year beginning each October.

Vassel also mentioned that in 2024, the requirements for employee retirement matches will increase by 2 ½%. He explained that this increase will lead to higher budgets in several departments. “All the departments with personnel will receive an increase due to an anticipated retirement match mandate from the State of Mississippi,” he stated.

Vassel, along with Comptroller Sharde Smith and former Comptroller and current consultant Donna McPherson, worked together to develop the budget. He emphasized, “One of the main priorities is ensuring that we can provide all the required services to the citizens of Coahoma County. This budget includes sufficient resources to achieve that.”



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