Harris, Allen vying for City of Clarksdale Ward 2 Commissioner position in Oct. 24 runoff


By Josh Troy

Clarksdale Advocate

Jimmy Harris and Alfred Allen secured the most votes for the City of Clarksdale Ward 2 Commissioner position in a special election on Oct. 3 and will be competing in the upcoming runoff.

Harris finished with 209 votes (29%), while Allen had 172 votes (24%) on Oct. 3 in a seven-candidate race. A total of 714 Ward 2 residents voted. None of the candidates received at least 50% plus one of the votes, so Harris and Allen will be competing in the runoff set for Oct. 24.

“I’m very thankful for them,” said Harris of his voters. “I appreciate them. I thank God for them.”

Allen expressed similar sentiments.

“I’m feeling positive, optimistic,” he said.

The position opened when Ward 2 Commissioner Ken Murphey died after a short illness. Meg Murphey, the widow of Ken Murphey, finished in third place in the Oct. 3 election and missed the runoff by 15 votes. She had 157 votes (22%).

Shannon Dixon came in fourth place with 90 votes (13%), Janise Ray finished in fifth place with 37 votes (5%), Alfred Kemp Sr. ended up in sixth place with 30 votes (4%), and George Hines Jr. had 19 votes (3%).

The winner between Harris and Allen in the Oct. 24 runoff will take office when the results of the election are certified. The new Ward 2 Commissioner will finish the term that expires on July 1, 2025.

Absentee voting will take place as soon as the ballots for the runoff are printed. Absentee voting will take place at city hall on weekdays during business hours and the two Saturdays prior to the election from 8 a.m. to noon.

Anyone who will be out of town on election day, has a disability, or is 65 or older may vote absentee. Absentee voters who wish to have their ballots mailed to them may contact the city clerk’s office.

Voting will be at the Clarksdale Civic Auditorium on Oct. 24.

City Attorney Melvin Miller said all registered voters in Ward 2 may vote in the Oct. 24 runoff.

“Whether or not they voted in this election, they can vote in the runoff,” Miller said.

“We will still have absentee ballots for the ones who will not be here on Tuesday, Oct. 24.”

The City Clerk’s office oversaw the election.

Mayor Chuck Espy praised Miller, former City Clerk and current consultant Cathy Clark, and current City Clerk Laketha Covington for their efforts.

“It was almost seamless,” he said. “There was a very high turnout. It was one of our highest numbers that we have seen in a commissioner’s race in the city’s history. A lot of people did turn out, and I hope they turn out on the 24th for the runoff.”

Election Commission chair Sanford Johnson also praised the voter turnout on Oct. 3, saying it “was really good, especially for a special election.”

Johnson also praised the candidates.

“I’d like to thank our poll workers for the great job they did today,” he said on Tuesday. “I’d also like to thank our candidates for their campaigns.”

BREAKDOWN OF VOTES Jimmy Harris (in runoff): 209 total (178 on election day and 31 absentee) Alfred Allen (in runoff): 172 total (156 on election day, 14 absentee, and two affidavit) Meg Murphey: 157 total (147 on election day and 10 absentee) Shannon Dixon: 90 total (85 on election day, three absentee, and two affidavit) Janise Ray: 37 total (35 on election day and two absentee) Alfred Kemp Sr.: 30 total (29 on election day and one affidavit) George Hines Jr.: 19 total (19 on election day)



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