Noon Friday deadline to buy hamburger plates to benefit Murphey, family



By Josh Troy
Clarksdale Advocate
The deadline to buy hamburger plates to benefit Clarksdale Ward 2 Commissioner Ken Murphey and his family is noon on Friday. Murphey was previously in the hospital and is going through medical issues. Tickets are $10 per plate, and the food will include hamburgers and chips.

The drive-through pickup for the plates of food is from 5 to 7 p.m. on July 10 at the Clarksdale Fire Department central station, located at 221 DeSoto Ave. The fire department is organizing the fundraiser.

“We have a lot of people in the community that have sold tickets,” said Training Chief Hunter Rybolt. “They’ll turn them in by 12 on Friday. Then, we can do a head count and order everything we need to actually do the cooking.”

Rybolt expects at least 500 tickets will be sold. “We set a goal of 500,” he said. “I feel pretty good about reaching that.”

Members of the fire department are selling tickets, which can be purchased at the central fire station on DeSoto Avenue. Plates can also be purchased electronically by sending money through Cash App to Rybolt at $Hrybolt. Anyone purchasing a plate through Cash App is asked to include their name and specify that it is for a hamburger plate.

A list of names of everyone who paid through Cash App will be available at the drive-through pickup. Anyone who pays through Cash App will be able to give their name at the drive-through pickup and receive their plate.

However, Rybolt said he prefers buying tickets to paying through Cash App. “The ticket sales are my preferred method,” he said. “Come by the central station, and we’ll have tickets for you.”

Rybolt praised the efforts of everyone who has sold tickets for hamburger plates. “The community has sold a lot for us,” he said. “Firemen alone haven’t done this by ourselves.”

Rybolt encouraged the entire community to make any type of donation to benefit Murphey and his family. “Nothing is too small,” he said. “Our community is good at giving helping hands and giving during these times. Let’s live up to what we know our community is good for.”

Anyone looking to make other financial contributions to benefit Murphey and his family may stop by First National Bank and see one of the bank tellers. Other fundraisers may be planned in the near future.

“I’ve heard there are some other things that are actually brewing, where people are wanting to do another cooking or a raffle or something like that,” Rybolt said.

Those with questions about buying a hamburger plate may contact the Central Fire Station at (662) 627-8486, Fire Chief Rocky Nabors at (662) 313-0358, or Rybolt at (662) 902-6184.


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