Self-discipline, Self-reflection, and Self-discovery with Minister D


By Raquel Wells Williams

The courageous woman is disciplined, bold, and curious. With all the negativity surrounding sister circles on social media and in our small town, it’s hard to maintain a positive perspective. We all struggle with finding comfort zones among friendships, associations, and situationships. Minister Denise Calhoun is a life coach dedicated to proving that all women are not catty and messy. She and a few other courageous women will uplift and encourage by hosting local social functions that support positive engagement among women.

Vernita Burnett stated that there are also those who are the epitome of a virtuous woman, built to stand the test of time. Minister D is not only a friend but a prayer partner and sister. Her heart is one of gold and encompasses love and compassion for all she meets. Minister D, short for Minister Denise, is an ordained minister, Certified Professional Christian Life Coach, as well as an educator by day. From the children she works with daily to the adults that seek her counsel, Minister D is surely a blessing to all she encounters.

Minister D has two amazing children of whom she is proud. She stated, “I live my life working to serve others by helping them find their purpose and place in life.” Her professional coaching is bound to her nonprofit organization that she titled, “Faithin’It.” Faith’It is a place of peace, self-love, care, and purpose. Their mission is dedicated to your well-being and committed to helping you discover who you have been called to be.

Faith’It started in August of 2020 in the middle of the pandemic. Despite popular support, Minister D knew that there was no greater time than that to make an impact in the lives of many who were experiencing something they had never seen or heard before. It left many confused about who they were when they were forced to do things they were not accustomed to.

In the words of Minister D, “We believe that you have everything inside of you to be great. Ladieeeeeeeessssss, have you gotten your ticket yet? If not, then jump on it today. You definitely don’t want to miss this year’s brunch. Our brunches come with more than just good food and encouragement. If you don’t believe me, then just ask someone who’s been to the first two. This is a ministry, and I treat it as such. Women are not only empowered but also given an opportunity to network, receive a blessing, and be prayed for and over by other women who have been through or witnessed some of the same situations.


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