Sheriff’s Office holds food drive at Courthouse


    By Josh Troy
    Clarksdale Advocate

    Coahoma County Sheriff’s Office Triad Director Barbara Jakes goes to different towns locally and distributes donations from Mid-South Food Bank every Tuesday. Enough food was donated this week for greater than 100 residents, so the Sheriff’s Office arrange a drive-through behind the Coahoma County Courthouse for anyone interested. Jakes said Sheriff Charles Jones got here up with the concept of getting the drive-through Tuesday. Coahoma County residents who went to the drive-through received Zucchini, cauliflower, cucumbers, baby snap beans, bags of chicken drumsticks, and 12-packs of Pepsi Cola and eggplant.

    Jakes said she never knows what foods might be delivered each week and the way much there might be, but there have been seven pallets value on Tuesday. “The Sheriff said let’s just pass it out behind the courthouse because there was a lot,” she said, “because I often exit and pass it out within the county.” Jakes, Jones, Sheriff’s Office Human Resources Manager Marquita White, Sheriff’s Office Jail Warden and Clarksdale Ward 3 Commissioner Willie Turner, and Sheriff’s Office Manager Jessie Pollard helped throughout the drive-through. On most Tuesdays, Jakes said she distributes food to Friars Point, Jonestown, Coahoma, Lula, Farrell, Stovall, and Bobo residents.

    Jakes said she took food leftovers from Tuesday to residents within the local communities. “I try to offer everyone some,” said Jakes about delivering food to towns in Coahoma County. “I won’t have the ability to offer quite a bit, but I try to make sure each town gets some. Sheriff Jones, says be certain we get the working people some. They don’t receive assistance and may have the ability to get a number of the food as well.”

    Jakes likes with the ability to make a difference in her community. “It’s a great thing since you’re blessing the community and the county,” she said. “Right now, numerous individuals are having problems with money and buying food since it’s so expensive, and the Sheriff says it’s at all times good to try to offer each town some food. We won’t have the ability to serve everybody, but we would like to try to offer some to every town.”


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